Thank you for entering the Utah State Junior Livestock Show. We look forward to spending the week with you and hope you and your family enjoy your time at the show.

The schedule and rules can be found here 2024 USJLS Rule Book

You are allowed to enter 2 market animals of any combination, but only 1 animal is allowed to sell. You are only allowed to enter 1 market hog. One alternate animal may be entered per species. Please register all of your breeding cattle, breeding sheep and breeding doe's at this site. Remember to register for showmanship in market and breeding (If you have breeding animals).

All entries for market and breeding animals are $10.

Use the same login information if you created an account last year. If you are a new exhibitor create an account. Call Lisa Olsen if you have questions 801-318-3598.

FairEntry Exhibitor, Staff Sign-In

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